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Microsoft Fails

Microsoft’s Surface didn’t sell well this holiday season. Surprise! Their marketing effort, which included some appealing ads, failed mainly because they tried to push this version with an upgraded product coming out soon. Their Twitter account was trying hard to show the good side of the tablet (even though they ignored me…Bill, you had my book recommended, and put it on your site, help me get their attention…or don’t). The operating system of the current Surface is Windows RT, a hybrid of Windows 7 and 8. It is not backwards compatible. It was released in October/November. The updated Surface, running Windows 8, and is backwards compatible, is to be released in January. See the problem? If you’re going to release a product, and have a better, updated version ready to go soon, then scrap the original, and wait for the updated. You are giving your original release a disservice by leaking that you have a better version coming out soon. Who wouldn’t wait 3-4 months to get the better version. I believe that the updated Surface will outsell the original release within the first 6 weeks, if not sooner. Microsoft take note of your competitors (specifically Apple), and release your products at least a year apart. Give your products enough time to take hold.





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